The Gift of People

  • Beginnings,  The Gift of Community,  The Gift of People,  The Gift of Vision

    Painting by the Number (continued)

    One evening we gathered in the living room of our little home with people seated on chairs, couch and floor.  We had worked together and eaten together.  Now we were relaxed and spending some time in worship, song, and sharing. Dennis led us, playing a few of our favorite choruses.  Judd and John co-led as we jumped into one of our favorite topics.  The discussion was one that had become familiar, but this time Kathy recorded what we said. What was the next step?  Better yet, what was the big picture that God was painting? Jane began the discussion in her calm, level voice.   “Perhaps, when you look at the gifts…

  • Beginnings,  The Gift of Community,  The Gift of People,  The Gift of Vision

    Painting by the Number

    Whenever God rejects a “wish dream” it is not out of His disdain for our wishes, but it is always that He has something better.  In rejecting my wish dreams, God did not hold back His blessing from the farm, its ministry, and its supporters.  He had a better plan. Looking back now I can see that what happened over the years was God’s plan painted in pictures that we could only uncover as we lived under His leadership. His plan was like the old-fashioned paint-by-the number pictures I had done in my childhood.  The pictures came to life when I followed the numbers carefully, choosing the right colors to fill…

  • The Gift of Community,  The Gift of Vision,  The Place,  Uncategorized

    Authenticity: The “Real I” and the “Real Thou”

      At fourteen, a few days before I turned fifteen, I had a crash-bang encounter with the Real Thou…and He spoke directly to the Real I.  Having been chosen at the last moment to replace someone on our Youth For Christ Bible quiz team, I had crammed for a week, trying to memorize scripture that we would cover in quizzes against other teams from our North Atlantic District.   We were going to represent our group at a large convention in Ocean City, New Jersey. This was a big deal…and I was scared.  By the time we got to Ocean City, I was not feeling well.  I got worse as the…

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  • Spiritual Disciplines,  The Gift of Community

    Authenticity: From “Me” to “Who?”

      Children don’t know anything but transparency and authenticity. Their freedom to be themselves is quite compelling.  It is only later that they begin to adapt to the social pressures in this fallen world. I remember in my wise four-year-old mind becoming aware that the thoughts coming in the form of ideas or conversation with others were actually coming from me.  I remember the awe I would feel when I would whisper to myself, “I am Me.”  Allowing the thought to reach into my very soul, I was overwhelmed with a sense of my own identity, and I marveled at this reality. But when a child is slowly growing through…

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  • The Gift of Community

    Praise The Lord, the Drought is Over!

    We were in the final day of our first Spiritual Dynamics Conference. Donald Mostrom, author from New England, had come to share his life with us.   We were soaked by  a sudden downpour as we approached  the barn where we had set up old desk chairs, a podium,  a small sound system   scrounged from friends.   It had been raining and now it was pouring rain.  I was quite discouraged as I walked with our guest who was ready to deliver his last message of the weekend. However, Dr. Mostrom was exhilarated.  “Praise the Lord,” he shouted as we walked up the hill to the barn that Sunday morning,…

  • Beginnings,  The Gift of People

    The Beginnings of True Community

    This group now calling itself Wellspring, was becoming a true community of like-minded people.  One of the couples who sat with us during the discussion that evening was Charles and Kay Bascom.  God creates community, and I fully believe that he brings together those with gifts to accomplish his purposes.  Through the years, Charles has served in an unofficial capacity as “pastor” to our little community, and Kay has been the model of gracious love, hospitality, wisdom, and a true support to her husband. I remember working with Kay setting up the farm for that first Spiritual Dynamics conference.  As we were winding up our preparations in the house Kay…