
The Misty Flats

6a0105371bb32c970b0120a56dee1c970b-750wiTo every man there openeth
A Way, and Ways, and a Way,
And the High Soul climbs the High Way,
And the Low Soul gropes the Low,
And in between, on the misty flats,
The rest drift to and fro.
But to every man there openeth
A High Way, and a Low.
And every man decideth
The way his soul shall go.    -John Oxenham

The Way

I am a mother of three, grandma (Oma) of eleven, and wife of a wise and energetic husband. We are retired (me from teaching, Judd from counseling) and are enjoying a time of reflection, a time of volunteering and serving, and a time of stretching to meet the new challenges of ordering our days that we may present to Him hearts of wisdom.